August 3, 2010

The Unforgotten

They are the ones that linger
They are the ones that visit our dreams
They are the ones that remind us of what's missing at Christmas
They are the ones we stretch our imagination wondering what life would be like if they were here
They are the ones with chapters that we will never get the chance to read
Movies with unfinished scripts,
Songs where the lyrics come to an abrupt end.
They are the ones whose passing away we never get over.
The ones whose absence we will always mourn
They are the reason our eyes water at the oddest times
The reason every triumph is a little sweeter
every failure more bitter

We are the ones left behind
Left forever incapable of filling the empty crevice in our lives where they fitted in so perfectly.
We are the ones with memories
We are the ones haunted by their voices.
Like hunches, we carry them everywhere we go

We are left behind to remember
The curve of her lips,
The beauty mole on her chin
Eyes that drank every inch of you
Hugs that made your nightmares flee
Words that brought you inspiration

I have tried to blot out the memories
But like an eraser that veers out of control
The more i erase the memories
The less there is of me

Your memories, My existence

Song of the day: My Immortal-Evanescence


  1. It's always like that:
    The more I erase the memories
    The less there is of me.
    Memories are sacred. And, it is always an honour to be remembered.

  2. i think if you live and got forgotten, it would have been better not to have lived. :)
