August 17, 2011

Winning ways...

Every time Messi scores, Casillas's face is a joy for any Barcelona fan to behold!!! hehehe

Welcome to a new season Barcelona!!! Welcome, Fabregas, to the ways of champions!!!

Eat your heart out Jose...all your tricks still leave you second best time and time again!!!

No song for today biko...i am giddy with joy over Messi's first goal today!!! That goal sang to me!!! :))


  1. DISLIKE! haha.
    1. I am an Arsenal fan that dislikes the fact that Fabregas left us.
    2. I am also a Real Fan..
    3. I am a Mourinho fan too...

    See why???

    - LDP

  2. mschewww...i am never speakin to u again!!! hehehe

  3. I'm a (long suffering) Liverpool fan. I admire the Barcelona style, but think it is overrated. I detest Mourinho by the way...

  4. @Professeur, Arsenal, how market? lol...Liverpool didnt even deserve to win that good!!!

    @Rustgeek...overrated? you will repeat yourself this football season when we get pitched against each other and we send you packing oUt of CL!
