September 24, 2011

Battle of words

Words...they can heal and they can repair as much as they can disease and destroy. The Bible says the tongue is a little fire. Fire can warm. And it can burn. 

Thank you John Doe

If i had a dollar for every time i have unpacked these boxes,
I would be on the Forbes list.
Alas my packing skills come cheap

Goodbye is so final, you say.
So you reach out and kiss me fare well instead.
And then i forget why i wanted to leave in the first place

Until the next time.

Mere words, 
And yet i rely on them to help me leave you
Mere words,
And yet i find myself tangled up in them time after time.
"Goodbye, fare well, i am sorry, don't leave, i hate you, i love you"...

The boxes are packed again.
I know better now.
They are but mere words.
Unable to heal, powerless to repair,
Until you mean them.

So we will not be saying these words.
I will be taking the back door out.
Silence wins more battles than words.

Song of the day: U2 - With or without you.


  1. WORDS! They heal; they kill; they build and they break!

    - LDP

  2. Words!!!!
    ...with these, you can 'rule the world'.
    ...with these, spread your wings and the skies can't limit you.

  3. I am so using this... You know what for OhJ

  4. still trying to find the words to make it alright...can't a hug be enough? ;)

    thanks guys

    @Single,you are stealing my work??? SOS, blog police!!!

  5. I am in jail already; using it there. Yimu :P

  6. Hmmm,I like your unbridled words-short words that speak volumes at d same time.Nuiiiice!
